Monday, August 9, 2010

The Concrete Has Arrived

Well the weekend was a busy one with lots of hard work and help! The concrete was set to arrive Saturday morning with John worried there wasn't going to be enough.  So in a panic he called and had them add another truck, thank goodness he did!  With 3 truck loads of concrete we just made it.

With the radiant heat tubes buried in the concrete, this will be our actual floor of the shop.  So, now the next question is what to do with the concrete to "dress" it up a bit.  Any one have any experience with a concrete floor?  Any ideas as to how to make it "pretty"?

The walls are next....................


  1. I have a friend who bought this stain stuff and made the prettiest concrete floor I have ever seen. She bought several kinds and colors, laid out a pattern with tape, and then followed her paper pattern. It was really lovely when it was finished.

  2. staining the concrete with concrete stain is the way i would go. you can always find large area rugs at estate sales if you want that look.

    when you stain a concrete floor with stain (and it comes in many colors) the "pattern" of the concrete shows through and it's so pretty.
    You can score your floors first, like 12" x 12" squares or 16" squares. Then when you stain it it really does look like real live tile!

    they can give you more information at lowe's or home depot.

    i'm so excited that you've poured the foundation. Hurry up and get the walls up - it's almost september....doesn't it start snowing up there at the north pole about then? :)

  3. Congratulations, Kim! You must be beside yourself. We put radiant heat in our addition and it is fabulous! We used a water based stain on ours and we love it. I cannot wait to visit the shop when it is finished. Keep the pictures coming . . . Sarah

  4. So excited for you. Your dream is coming to life!!!



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